TIAA is proud to support Charity Fraud Awareness Week 2021, which runs between 18th and 22nd October 2021.

The campaign aims to bring together everyone involved in the charity and not for profit sectors to raise awareness and share good practice in tackling fraud and cybercrime.

All charities, NGOs and not-for-profits are susceptible to fraud and can be targeted. Those providing services and supporting local communities may be especially vulnerable to fraudsters attempting to exploit current national and global crises to carry out fraud and cybercrime.

During the week, TIAA will be taking part by posting advice and information to our Twitter and LinkedIn social media accounts using the hashtag #StopCharityFraud

Our specialists are available to provide advice and assurance on fraud prevention, cybercrime awareness and security management.  You can contact us via our contacts page to find out more.

Other useful resources for charities looking to understand more about fraud in the charity and not-for-profit sectors include:

Preventing Charity Fraud

  • Keeping your charity safe in the pandemic and beyond –

  • Improving financial controls (Colchester Food Bank) –

National Centre Security Centre

Charity Commission


Battening Down the Hatches to Fraud