Theft of CDs by healthcare staff for personal use continues to be a regular theme. Where members of staff have been suspended while investigations are ongoing, ensure that the staff members involved cannot access their place of work inappropriately by ‘tailgating’ other employees. Ensure that staff involved do not retain passes and uniforms which may also aid inappropriate access.

Security of medicines on discharge

Ensure when patients are discharged with CDs, that supplies are recorded in the CD register and that medication supplied is the patient’s own prescribed medication and not unlabeled ward stock.

Source: NHSE Controlled Drugs Team

What do you need to do?
  • Review your organisation’s procedures for investigating CD loss/theft.
  • Ensure physical security measures are in place to protect CDs.
  • Provide support to staff affected by these issues.

Importance: High

To discuss this issue or request any further assistance and support please contact: Jonathan Gladwin, Director of Anti-Crime Services; or your nominated Anti-Crime Specialist.