The BBC reports that the newly appointed Covid corruption commissioner Tom Hayhoe has started an investigation into personal protective equipment (PPE) fraud.

Mr Hayhoe’s first task will be reviewing the £8.7bn of PPE bought during the pandemic that then had to be written off the government’s books and he is also likely to review the previous government’s abandoning of attempts to reclaim money from deals worth £674m.

The National Crime Agency is separately investigating possible criminal offences committed in the PPE procurement system. Chancellor Rachel Reeves has asked Mr Hayhoe to try to recover the public money lost to fraud and under-performing contracts.

The Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) lost three-quarters of the £12bn it spent on PPE in the first year of the pandemic, largely due to inflated prices and kit that did not meet requirements.

Mr Hayhoe’s contract is for one year, supported by a small team within the Treasury, reporting directly to the Chancellor. He will submit a report at the end of his contract with lessons learnt and recommendations for government procurement in the face of future crises.

For more information and to access the guidance:
Covid corruption commissioner gets to work – BBC News

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