Hundreds of organisations across the world will be participating in International Fraud Awareness Week (IFAW) (14th – 20th November 2021) to raise awareness of fraud risks and key reporting lines. The campaign aims to start discussions amongst peers, co-workers, executives and stakeholders in the community about how important fraud prevention is to society as a whole.
Fraud is the crime you are most likely to experience during your lifetime, yet there is a good chance you will never actually see a fraud happening. Fraud is a hidden crime, as fraudsters use deception and target weaknesses in people and systems to make a financial gain. Fraudsters are also increasingly sophisticated in their use of technology, as you may have noticed if you ever received a very ‘believable’ email or letter asking you to send money or provide your financial details.
International Fraud Awareness Week is a great opportunity to remind us all that everyone can play an important part in fighting fraud, whether it be by being vigilant, knowing how to prevent fraud, or reporting any suspicions or concerns.
We will also be joining the NHS Counter Fraud Authority in raising awareness of fraud against the NHS and highlighting the role of all NHS fraud fighters. Find out more about the NHS CFA Fraud Week campaign here
During the week, TIAA will be taking part by posting advice and information to our Twitter and LinkedIn social media accounts using the hashtag #FraudWeek #fraudfighters #NHSFraud
Please spread the word among your colleagues and tell your family and friends – we all bear the cost of fraud, but all of us have a part to play in fighting it.
Advice and Support
Our Anti-Crime Specialists are available to provide advice and assurance on fraud prevention, cyber-crime awareness and security management. You can contact us via our contacts page to find out more. Or you can contact one of our regional Anti-Crime leads:
South West – Tony Hall – 07580 971240
South East – David Kenealy – 07580 164709
London and North – Tony Hall and David Kenealy
And on our dedicated Fraud email, –
Reporting Fraud
Remember you can report your suspicions of fraud to your local Counter Fraud Specialist or alternatively to the NHSCFA at or by calling their 24 hour hotline 0800 028 4060.
All reports are treated in confidence, and you have the option to report anonymously.
Virtual Drop Ins
Following our successful sessions last year, we’re pleased to confirm we will be holding our virtual drop in sessions again this year. These are an opportunity for our NHS Clients to attend a session via Microsoft Teams and meet their Anti-Crime specialist and find out more about what they do, receive advice on fraud prevention and ask any questions.
Please see our Events page to find out when your local session will be held and to book your session.
We look forward to seeing you there.
We are hosting the following Webinars during Fraud Week;
Human Resources And Anti – Crime In The NHS – 15th November 2021
Finance Fraud – ‘Spotting The Red Flags’ – 18th November 2021
Supply Chain Fraud Risks ‘Breaking Down The Supply Chain’ – 19th November 2021
For more information on any of these events and to book your place please visit our Events page.
Useful resources that we will be sharing during the week include:
Fraud Behavioural Red Flags Infographic
NHS Fraud Fighters Video
Fraud Animation – Read Case
This animation introduces Fraudy, a fictional character representing a fraud, and follows it through a case example (based on a real case of NHS payroll fraud). Will Fraudy manage to remain invisible?