London Local Medical Council (LMC) in collaboration with the Police, has released the latest guidance on handling abuse and violence from patients, in response to increased levels of patient abuse compared with before the pandemic.

The guidance urges practices to be proactive in monitoring threats of patient abuse, including via social media and in the design of their premises to deter violence. A failure to pro-actively engage with patients on social media risks damage to the practice’s local reputation which could lead to more frustrated patients. Consider CCTV and/or mirrors, together with CCTV signage as a deterrent, and of the safety of staff at reception.

GP practices should work with their local policing team by setting up a meeting or attending community Police meetings to raise issues around patient abuse.

LMC Medical director Dr Elliot Singer said the ‘rising abuse and violence’ practices face is ‘deeply concerning’, and it is ‘regrettable’ that this guidance is needed at all.

‘Practices need the support of commissioners in removing aggressive patients to properly resourced special allocation schemes, and a timely response from local Police. They also need political leaders to be clear with patients about what they can expect from general practice with the resources it has available.’

Source: Monitor social media for abusive patients, LMCs advise GPs – Pulse Today

What do you need to do?

  • Consult the new guidance The guide
  • Ensure your organisation has up to date policies on violence and aggression
  • Report any security incidents and contact your Anti-Crime Specialist for support

Importance: Amber – action is recommended

To discuss this issue or request any further assistance and support please contact: Jonathan Gladwin, Director of Anti-Crime Services; or your nominated Anti-Crime Specialist.