On 18th March 2022 the NHSCFA published their business plan for 2022-23, setting out exactly what the organisation intends to deliver in the final year of its 2020-2023 strategy. Their four strategic objectives remain as:
- Lead and influence the NHS to find, prevent and reduce fraud, recovering losses and putting money back into patient care
- Work with partners to reduce fraud loss in the NHS
- Support and empower our people to be the best in their roles and feel valued
- Effectively use our resources, identify and pursue opportunities for growth and innovation and reduce our operating costs
The NHSCFA intends to leverage new and existing stakeholder relationships to amplify its voice, impact and reach, maximising the use of agile and smarter working in doing so. The full document can be found at: https://cfa.nhs.uk/resources/downloads/documents/corporatepublications/NHSCFA_Business_Plan_2022-2023.pdf and includes:
- NHSCFA successes and achievements to date in each of their four objectives
- The core areas of focus for the 2022-23 delivery plan setting out key metrics and activities
- The NHSCFA business model and integrated approach to delivery
- Plus a foreword by the new CEO and a message from the Chair
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