NHSE South West Controlled Drugs team have received a report of a nitrous oxide gas cylinder theft in Dorset overnight on Monday 26th August.  Nitrous oxide gas is widely misused and has a street value.  Previous thefts have occurred in clusters rather than isolated incidents.  In light of the above, you may wish to review the security arrangements for storage of medical gases within your organisation if a review has not taken place recently, and to remind staff to maintain their vigilance.

Nitrous oxide is a colourless gas stored in pressurised metal canisters, used for sedation and pain relief. Dentists and medical professionals use it to sedate patients having minor medical procedures. It is sometimes used to treat people withdrawing from alcohol dependence.

Other names for nitrous oxide include laughing gas, nitro, N2O, nangs, whippet, hippy crack, buzz bomb, balloons. It can cause uncontrolled laughter, giddiness, euphoria. Side effects can include dizziness, low blood pressure, fainting or heart attack.

Source: NHS England South West Controlled Drugs Team

What do you need to do?
  • Remind staff to be vigilant where nitrous oxide is stored
  • Review your security arrangements for nitrous oxide storage
  • Report any security incidents and contact your Anti-Crime Specialist for support

Importance: Amber – action is recommended

Staff should report all security and safety incidents on their incident reporting systems and inform the nominated Anti-Crime / Security Management Specialist for further support or Contact Us.