October is speak up month – every October, the National Guardian’s Office highlights the importance of NHS staff having a voice that counts through its Speak Up Month campaign. The campaign aims to raise awareness of the work of Freedom to Speak Up Guardians and the efforts to make speaking up business as usual for everyone.
Listen Up,
The theme this year is Listen Up and will focus on the power of listening, and the important part which listening plays in encouraging people to feel confident to speak up.
Confidence to speak up comes from knowing that if you speak up, you will be listened to and that appropriate action will be taken. We all have a part to play in listening to one another with respect and compassion.
Speak Up Month is an opportunity for leaders at all levels to show they are here to listen and their commitment to fostering a Speak Up, Listen Up, Follow Up culture in their team or organisation.
TIAA’s Whistleblowing and Organisational Culture Campaign
TIAA have an ongoing campaign that is committed to raising awareness of whistleblowing, its importance and how organisations can improve their governance around this important topic.
Whistleblowing protects the integrity of organisations by encouraging employees to speak up about any misconduct, unethical behaviour, or potential risks they witness. It keeps workplaces transparent, accountable, and safe for everyone. TIAA offer a comprehensive Whistleblowing Health Check which can provide your organisation with assurance that its organisational culture is working effectively.
To find out more please visit here – https://www.tiaa.co.uk/whistleblowing-and-organisational-culture-temperature-check/
We also have a Whistleblowing and Organisational Culture Round Up Webinar recording available, whereby our experts provide an update on the landscape and provide details of a survey that TIAA conducted across clients and also details our hints and tips that all organisations should have as a basic minimum.
Available to watch here –
Please contact us to discuss how we can help you with your whistleblowing and organisational culture.