We’re delighted to announce that we’ve achieved Green Dragon Level 3 accreditation status, this increase from our previous Level 2 shows that we can demonstrate that we’re managing our environmental impacts, something we are passionate about.

The Green Dragon Environmental Standard is awarded to organisations that can demonstrate effective environmental management and that are taking action to understand, monitor and control their impacts on the environment.

The accreditation provides us with;

  • The elements of an effective environmental management system that are appropriate to the context, nature and scale of our activities and operations;
  • a system to reduce our environmental impacts and protect the environment, including minimising ecosystem degradation, climate change, loss of biodiversity, pollution, use of finite resources, waste management.

The Green Dragon Environmental Standard incorporates the following key principles of Environmental Management:

  • Continual Environmental Improvement;
  • Meeting Compliance Obligations;
  • Protection of the Environment;
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions Management;
  • Communication of Environmental Issues;
  • Environmental Management System Elements.

To find out more about our environmental commitment please visit our dedicated page Environmental Policy