We’re pleased to announce our Environmental Performance Report for 2022/23 is now available.
TIAA runs an Environmental Management System to manage and reduce its environmental impacts. Key environmental impacts considered as part of the Environmental Management System include energy use, waste generation, travel and resource use. We have been taking this seriously for a number of years and are proud to have been accredited to the Green Dragon Environmental Certification since 2012, achieving Standard 3 in February 2022. Through our accreditation with Green Dragon, we understand our baseline emissions, set annual targets to reduce our impact and are focussed on implementing our most straight forward carbon reduction opportunities in the near future, before tackling longer term, more complex issues that may require cooperative working with other organisations.
This report cover our achievements and commitments to a number of areas including,
- Staff Wellbeing
- Supporting our Communities
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Energy
- Vehicle Emissions
- Waste Management
View a copy of our report here – TIAA Environmental Performance Review 2022/23