TIAA Ltd Environmental Policy
Policy Statement
TIAA Limited is a wholly owned subsidary of Adsure Services PLC. TIAA provides business assurance services, including internal audit, to private and public sector organisations throughout the UK. TIAA has been operating since 1995. TIAA’s Head Office is based in Fareham, Hampshire. TIAA is dedicated to meeting all compliance obligations (both regulatory and voluntary), protection of the environment, including pollution prevention and other environmental issues, and the principal of continual environmental improvement.
TIAA commits to being net zero in its operations and supply chain by 2030 and will focus on embedding the implications of climate change and other Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) related factors across our work with clients.
TIAA recognises the effect of its processes and services on the environment. These are principally:
- Paper usage;
- Energy consumption; and
- Business travel emissions.
TIAA is committed to sustainable development and aims, where possible, to contribute positively to the environment.
Employees are required to assist in meeting TIAAs environmental commitments which include but are not limited to, the following measures:
Movement towards waste minimisation by:
- carrying out repurposing or recycling of used materials where possible;
- giving preference to purchase of goods and services which can be manufactured, used and repurposed, or disposed of in an environmentally responsible way;
- use of high recycled content materials where appropriate.
Paper reduction by:
- sending corporate communications via e-mail;
- receiving/sending newsletters etc. by e-mail;
- subscribing to paperless communication options wherever offered by suppliers and clients;
- avoiding printing documents, or double-sided printing only when absolutely necessary.
Monitoring and reduction of energy consumption by:
- ensuring PCs, photocopiers, printers & monitors are closed down fully each evening;
- lights are switched off when not in use;
- avoiding overheating offices by ensuring alignment of thermostat settings to match hours of occupancy.
- giving preference to renewable over non-renewable energy when feasible.
Reduction in the environmental impact of emissions by:
- encouraging the use of public transport wherever viable;
- providing more fuel efficient vehicles and specifically committing to the conversion of the lease fleet to wholly electric or hybrid vehicles by March 2027, 3 years ahead of the government’s target for 80% of new cars to have zero emissions;
- supporting all staff to convert to electric or hybrid vehicles;
- encouraging and supporting the use of virtual meetings and conference call facilities.
Corporate Management Responsibility
This Environmental Policy has the full backing of the Board of TIAA and is displayed on the green notice board and the company website.
This Policy was last updated on 19th March 2024.
The Policy will be reviewed annually as part of the annual environmental review of TIAA Ltd.